Ian Ng
Ian Ng leads AI and localisation technologies business solutions in Translasia Group for the Southeast Asia and East Asia markets.
Ian has over 24 years of information technology project management, business process re-designing consulting and management experiences and took on senior management roles in wide-ranged industries. Now he is CEO at AISA Digital and develops translation tech solutions focusing on the Southeast Asian market.
(29/4/2020) Wednesday
Create A Localised Buying Experience for Your E-Commerce Website
Ian Ng, CEO, AISA Digital
Do you know that 72% of shoppers prefer to buy products in their native languages? Today, most successful global e-commerce business generate local-language contents to boast online sales. It is because localised content generates trust among online buyers on the brand and products they are browsing. Let’s learn how online businesses can localise online contents continuously with 30%-50% cost saving.